The Key to Immortality A study on Stem Cell Research in light of the current scientific developments and controversies
In the wake of mans newest discovery, there is no shortage of debates and detractors on the viability and ethical aspects of stem cell research. It is argued by one side that stem cells are mass murder since it involves the destruction of human embryo (Schler 28). On the other hand, there are those who do not regard such loss as the destruction of human life but rather the necessary means by which those who are living can prolong their own lives (Schler 28). As such, this is clearly a controversial issue that does not find its resolution in simple debate but rather in a prolonged academic discussion that examines the potentials and the risks involved in authorizing this type of research. The current status is that there are countries who are conducting stem cell research but there has been no conclusive proof to show that this is truly the fountain of youth (Schler 28). Alternatively, there is no showing that a human life is really lost due to the harvesting of stem cells (Schler 28). Given these perspectives, it is presented that stem cell research must be allowed to continue because it holds plenty of promise to cure several, if not all, of the worlds most fatal diseases and illnesses.
Stem Cell Research Primer
In order to arrive at a better understanding of the issue, it is important to first lay out the factual background behind this controversy. Stem cells are basic cells that are found in most, if not all, multi-cellular organisms. Due to the specialized ability of stem cells to develop into virtually any specialized cell type, researchers have begun exploring the possibility of utilizing these stem cells to create severely damaged organs. The inherent ability of these cells of renew themselves through a process called mitotic cell division makes them ideal for this process.
Discovered by scientists Ernest A. McCulloch and James E. Till in the 1960s, stem cells are categorized into two (2) broad types for mammals which are the embryonic stem cells and the adult stem cells. The embryonic stem cells are isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts while the adult stem cells are found in adult tissues. In a developing embryo, stem cells can differentiate into all of the specialized embryonic tissues. In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing specialized cells, but also maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin, or intestinal tissues. These properties allow the normal stem cells to be cultured and transformed into other specialized cells that are used to replace damaged tissue cells. Currently, these can be used in a wide range of medical operations from heart problems to cancer.
The peculiar properties of stem cells, such as the ability to differentiate into other types of cells, allow for several treatments in areas such as physical trauma, degenerative diseases and even genetic diseases. In clinical cases and tests that have been run, it has been shown that adult stem cells have been able to regenerate even severely damaged cells of the tissue of origin. As such, this has also led to the argument that there is no need for the use of embryonic stem cells since there are also adult stem cells that have proven to be effective. While there has been significant progress in this field, the other, arguably more effective stem cell, the embryonic stem cells, have finally secured FDA approval and are used in more procedures.
Embryonic Stem Cells
The advantage of the embryonic stem cells comes from the findings of several researchers that the potential for differentiation that lies in these embryonic stem cells is much greater than the adult stem cells. As a result of which several arguments have erupted not only with the use of stem cells but more specifically the use of embryonic stem cells. As such, the potential of embryonic comes from the Pluripotent properties that they have thus allowing them to be any cell type in the body. This is in comparison to adult stem cells that can only become different cell types according to their tissue of origin. From this, it is clear that regardless of the type of stem cell being used, there are several potential benefits that society can get from this.
Source of Controversy
The controversy arising, therefore, stems from the fact that several institutes and scientists have embarked on the creation of human embryonic stem cell lines that require the destruction of human embryo. As earlier mentioned, the problem here arises from the fact that this is anti-life in that it destroys the embryo, which these groups regard as an early-aged human life. This human life that is destroyed to harvest the embryo violated the fundamental right to life and is abhorrent to the sanctity of life. This has also prompted several groups to term this destruction as murder because the human life is inviolable, beginning from the moment a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell to form a single cell that is the source of this life.
It is argued, however, that this is not a destruction of life but rather an act of prolonging the lives of those who are living but afflicted with injuries and illnesses. As studies and surveys have shown, most stem cell researchers only use embryos that have been set for disposal or are generally unused for in vitro fertility treatments. This means that without the mother to carry the embryo this was destined to be destroyed or disposed in any case. As such, allowing these for use in stem cell research not only ensures that this is used but also that other people are able to benefit for a life that was going to be destroyed in any case.
Practical Perspective
From the point of view of practicality, it is argued that embryos are not essentially human lives. Given this distinction, there is no destruction of life, as the protesters claim, but rather simply the culture of stem cells, similar to the harvesting of fruits from a tree. Even assuming that such a broad definition of live is accepted, this does not alter the fact that more embryos are lost through natural causes such as the failure to implant after conception than are ever used in embryonic stem cell research or treatments. As previously mentioned, even without the natural loss of embryos there are also nearly 400,000 unused embryos that are scheduled for disposal in the United States alone. It is clear from this point that embryonic stem cells do not result in destruction of life because there is no life to begin with and even assuming that there is, the rate that these embryos are to be disposed without being able to be fully used for other life saving treatments is very high.
One prime consideration for the use of embryonic stem cells in research comes from the assertion that given the economic situation of the world today and its growing health problems, cost effective health solutions will greatly alleviate the global situation. It must be recognized that as the headlines in todays newspapers all around the world show, there is a global economic slowdown. Economies all over the world are being plunged into what is tentatively being called Recession. While there are those who believe that this is simply an expected trend given the rapid growth of the global economy, it still does not detract from the fact that it is an urgent and pressing problem. It is so urgent due to the fact that these economic problems have even begun to affect health care. With funds being diverted to pump prime the economy, there is very little left to fund health programs and health care.
Benefits of Stem Cell Research
The approval of stem cell research would be a boon to governments all around the world who are reeling from this economic crisis. Although it is admitted that initial funding is expensive, the rewards that can be provided by supporting and allowing continued research in this field will definitely outweigh the economic costs from both financial and medical perspective. Continued stem cell research can reduce the continued expenses that medical upkeep requires. Aside from reducing the number of expensive and often dangerous medical procedures, it is expected that stem cell research can also prolong life without the need to life support systems and complicated medical procedures.
A major reason why embryonic stem cell research should be allowed is because of the fact that most, if not all, medical researchers are in agreement that this field has the potential to dramatically change the perspective and current knowledge when it comes to not only treating but also understanding diseases. With the use of stem cell research, spinal cord injuries and Parkinsons disease, which have been championed by high-profile media personalities Christopher Reeve and Michael J. Fox, respectively, can be treatable. According to the US National Institutes of Health in August of 2000, ...research involving human pluripotent stem cells...promises new treatments and possible cures for many debilitating diseases and injuries, including Parkinsons disease, diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, burns and spinal cord injuries. The NIH believes the potential medical benefits of human pluripotent stem cell technology are compelling and worthy of pursuit in accordance with appropriate ethical standards. There is no more compelling reason than the finding that this field has the potential to save millions of lives and save governments millions of dollars.
For this reason, it is argued that embryonic stem cell research must be allowed to continue. The foregone medical advances that this type of research can provide are just too important to be relegated and delayed. The impact that this type of research could have on the health of developing countries as well as developed countries can lead to more lives saved that those that are theoretically lost. This, however, is not the final word as with continued developments in stem cell research there might eventually be a shift from the embryonic stem cells to other less controversial but more viable alternatives.
Developments in Stem Cell Research
In 2006, it was found that stem cells could be removed from mouse embryos without resulting in the loss of these embryos. In 2007, the joint work of the United States and Japan on stem cell research showed that it was possible to reprogram human skin cells to act like embryonic stem cells through the introduction of artificial viruses. This new method has also been found to be much cheaper than current methods. As such, it is these breakthroughs have led others to theorize that perhaps in the future there will be no need to give up the embryos where the embryonic stem cells come from or even totally discard the use of embryos for stem cell use.
With all these new developments in Stem Cell Research, there lies the promise of less controversial methods of exploiting this biological breakthrough. Where in the past the research was limited by ethical and moral considerations, the new biological effects promise to allow new light to be shed on this research. In the future it might not be difficult to envision a world where people can lose limbs and have them replaced just as easily. Organs will be like parts of a vehicle that one can just take to a shop to replace. There is no limit to what this breakthrough can do for humanity if it is given a chance.
There is no question that Stem Cell Research possesses the keys for the immortality of mankind. The benefits that this type of biological breakthrough can provide are clearly ones that have life or death implications. On one hand, Stem Cell Research can possibly hold the cure for AIDS or even finally aid man in his battle against cancer. On the other hand, the moral and ethical considerations that are at stake seem to prevent further research in this area. It cannot be denied that there are indeed benefits to further Stem Cell Research but the question that begs to be asked is whether or not mankind is willing to make that sacrifice or for those opposed, to disregard the costs that it entails.
Whatever lies in the future is something that is for everyone to hope for. As the situation is at the present, however, there is an urgent and pressing need to continue embryonic stem cell research and the only way by which this can be accomplished is through the use of embryos that are no longer claimed to be donated or to be disposed. There are several compelling reasons why Stem Cell Research should be continued and all of them beneficial not only to governments all over the world but to the entire human race, a consideration that cannot be taken lightly.
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