Objective. This study aims to determine the number of pigeons and sparrows that can be seen in campus x at different times of the day.
Introduction. Pigeons are members of the bird family columbidae and the genus Colunba. There are different families such as the Rock pigeon referred to as Columba livia (Gibbs, 2004). Sparrows on the other hand are commonly referred to as House sparrows. Their family name is Paseridae and species name Passerine domesticus. Sparrows have small size ranging from 14 to 18 cm in length, they have stout beak a short tail and a round head. Pigeons on the other hand have a length of between 32 to 34 cm, with a wing span of between 64 to 72 cm. Both sparrows and pigeons can easily be found in residential areas with the pigeon being quite social and the sparrow quite destructive especially in agricultural lands (Anderson 2003) due to their destruction of grains. They pigeons make nesting sites on accessible spaces of house roofs while pigeons live communally in nests found on trees. Generally pigeons will be much larger than sparrows. This project attempts to determine the number of sparrows and pigeons that can be found in campus x during the different types of the day. This will help in knowing when to spend time with these social birds in the campus by knowing at what time most birds will be found.
Methods. In conducting this experimental project, one will need to have a three cameras that will be placed at three strategic points for 5 of the 10 days that the project will be conducted. A team of about 15 people will also need to be hired in order to do the actual counting of the birds for each of the remaining 5 days. On the first day use of 3 cameras should be employed,second day should involve use of 3 hired persons to do the actual counting at the same point that cameras had been placed. This alternating use of camera and hired counting persons should be repeated for the remaining eight days of the study. The sites to be chosen for the study will be varying. The first site will be an open field where most of the birds have been observed to interact with humans. The second site should be where the birds seem to have their nests and the third site will be near a water body within Campus X. Birds will be counted at various times .This times will be for a duration of about 30 minutes each. The stipulated counting times will be at 8am, 12pm and 5pm. All data will be recorded in a table shown in table 1 below. The data collected will be in numerical form. Presentation of the data will be in graphs, pie charts and tables. The statistical analysis to be employed in this study will be through the use of Analysis of Variance also referred to as ANOVA.
Table 1
DayTimeNumber of sparrows with pigeons18am012pm45pm02345678910
Results. The expected outcome or result will clearly demonstrate the best time when most number of pigeons and sparrows will be found in Campus x. The result will also show the time when fewest number of pigeons and sparrows are seen within the same campus.
Budget. The experimental project will cost ...This figure is because the experimental project will involve use of observatory methods that will include both hired persons and use of technology. The table below (table 2) summarizes the budget proposed.
ItemExpenseQuantityDescriptionAmount in USDVideo Camera, stand, recording tape31800Fee for hired Observers15 observers 25 USD per hour for 3 hours a day each.1125Stationerypens,paper500Foldable sitting chairs3 45 USD135Miscellaneous20 of total712Total4272
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