Result Section

Findings from the experiments reveal that Tthe blood pressures for the each of the experiments differ showed differences between Normal Blood Pressure and Blood Pressure with various auditory and visual effects (Figure 1). The mean of systolic blood pressure or diastolic in systolic and diastolic blood  pressure were 124mmHg and 80.9mmHg respectively before the subjects were exposed to the various types of auditory and visual aids. The result shows  Tthe mean of systolic and diastolic pressures to bewere 128.1mmHg and 83.6mmHg respectively after the three test subjects were treated with scary auditory and visual effect. Thise clearly indicates an increase in both systolic and diastolic pressures. were increased.

The mean of systolic and diastolic pressures were 122.9mmHg and 92.3mmHg respectively after the three test subjects were treated with calm auditory and visual effect hence indicating a decrease in systolic pressure while there was an alternate increase in diastolic pressure.. The systolic pressure was decreased. The diastolic pressure was increased. The systolic and diastolic pressures were 114.7mmHg and 76.2mmHg respectively after the three test subjects were treated with funny auditory and visual effect. The systolic and diastolic pressures in this case were decreased. Measurement of Bsystolic blood pressure in systolic without any visual and auditory effect was same with normal blood pressure and diastolic pressure was decreased.

In systolic pressure, the only pressure that was higher than normal pressure was that when test subjects were treated with scary auditory and visual effect. Both systolic pressures with calm and funny effect were decreased but systolic blood pressure with funny video clip shows a significant reductionwas dropped more significantly..

In diastolic pressure, both blood pressures of subjects treated with scary and calm auditory and visual effect were increased but the blood pressure with calm visual and auditory effect was increased more significantly. The In diastolic pressure was found to decrease when subjects were exposed to , both pressures with funny video clip and without video clip were decreased but while there was a significant decrease in blood pressure when there are no effectswithout any effect war dropped more significantly.

Pulses were measured and they showed different results (Figure 2). The mean of normal pulses in both systolic and diastolic pressures were -0.017mV and 0mV respectively. In systolic pressure, the mean pulses fors of pulse for all subjects were increased. However, pulse found to be mostly increased when compared to other effects was that of s affected by funny and scary video clips were increased most significantly than others. Each of their value werewas 0.03mV. When subjects were exposed to calm video clips and when there are no effects being exposed to, the measured pulses were the same with a value of Also, pulses with calm video clip and without any video clip were showing 0 mV of pulse value. In diastolic pressure, when subjects were treated with funny and scary video clips, there  were decreased in the . Theirpulses. Their value werevalues were -0.07mV and -0.03mV respectively. Also pulse was dropped more significantly when subjects were treated with funny video clip. The means of pulses were 0mV when subjects watched calm video clip and were treated without any effect. They were the same value with normal pulse in diastolic pressure.

From this experiment, the various visual and audio effecteffects did not significantly affect both of systolic and diastolic pressures. The blood pressure varies when subjects are being treated and experienced with different effects. The emotion such as, happiness, anger, fear, and humor shows increase in both systolic and diastolic pressures (1981, Schwartz). On the other hand, relaxation shows decrease in blood pressure. These are affected by cardiovascular activities changing heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse in the body. However, in our experiment, none of values of blood pressures showed changes that were expected to happen as predicted by our hypothesis, except for scary video clip. After test watching the scary video clips, the blood pressures in systolic and diastolic stages were increased, as expected.

Pulse in systolic pressure had to be increased when test subjects were treated with funny, and scary video clips, and it exactly showed the results that we expected. However, pulse was increased when subjects were treated with calm video clip, and this was the exactly opposite of the result that we predicted. Also, in diastolic pressure, none of the results showed appropriate responses for the visual and auditory effect as we expected even though their values had to go up.

There might be many factors beyond the scope of this experiment responsible for those changes that we never expected from our predictionsreasons that we could not get qualified results from the experiment. One  of thimportant factor that could be a limitation to our experiment e reason is that we did not measure the blood pressure and pulse simultaneously while the subjects were watching the video clips. Instead, we measured them after subjects finished watching it. Due to that time interval between that timeperiod of exposure to the audio and visual clips and when the measurement were made, there might have been a chance to make resting time for heart or brains that react readilylly quickly to externaloutside of their environment. Then, to maintain their body against the circumstance change, the heart which is the organ one making all the changes in the body might realize the normal conditions, react quickly, and go to the normal level of heart rate. Therefore, this could make blood pressure and pulse go back to normal stage. Of course, the graph showed the increase and decrease in pressure and pulse but this could be ignored because there was just very small amount of the value difference.

Another important consideration as regards to why there were differences in what was predicted and the result of the experiment was in the playing timeMoreover, there was playing time differences among those video clips. This might couldhave  affected the people being tested. The more time they were exposed to the video clips, the larger difference of blood pressure and pulse that could show up. Also, there might be different reaction time for the different emotions, such as, fun, sad, scare, and relaxation, meaning that the emotions will have their own time to affectvary the heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse. Therefore, the playing time difference among video clips might affect the result of the experiments.

Also, there was culture difference among people tested. The cultural difference might have an influence on their thinking reaction to external influences and Ssince emotion is entirely dependent upon their own process of thinking, this could actually influence the result of the experiment. Emotions that we tested were not objective enough to make them laugh, scare, and relax. In fact, one of the subjects finds it difficult to actually comprehend was not totally understanding the humor of one video clip because of the language and culturale difference. This culturale difference might create unexpected result for the funny video clip that supposed to raise the blood pressure and pulse.

One of the obvious reasons or factors that might also affect the result of the experiment was the size of the subject group. must be the small size of the subject group. This must affect our experiment severely. Normally, subject group must be very large because, with large group of people being tested, we can get not only quantified but also qualified data and it will give the credibility of the experiment to the researchers and it will also reduce the risk or level of bias in the experiment. However, we had a limitwere limited in having  of having large group of subjects. Even though this experiment already has been researched long time ago, we needed more group of people to get better results.

As shown in Figure 1, there was drop of blood pressure in systolic and diastolic stages. This implies need of further study of this change in blood pressure. Laughing caused increases in blood pressure and is followed by decrease in blood pressure below resting pressure levels(). Also, our result showed that there was small amount of decreased blood pressure in both phase. Therefore, since there is change before laughing and during laughing this result can be retested if there is real change in blood pressure or not after laughing. This finding can be very meaningful for future use in the clinical field.


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