Effective methods of preserving Eco System
One of the frequent methods that affect the natural eco system is the modern alterations that are being made to the local water supplying system. When addressing a panel of officials, we came to know that there are very effective methods of water supply, without disturbing the nature and its ecosystem. However the reason found for not implementing the same is mostly awareness, and to frankly admit, peoples carelessness towards the nature. First of all, the companies and the local authorities must be hand in hand in implementing the effective methods.
Dr. Robert Costanza, an American ecological economist, involved in various long term researches with an insight towards ecological and economic systems. His study also deals with the valuation of ecosystem services and biodiversity. According to his study, drinking water plays a major role, as well the decaying of waste water disposal.
Douglas J.McCauley is a well experienced researcher in Biological Sciences streamline and he has contributed various hypotheses to the i-Tree concept for safeguarding the eco-system. He has made various detailed study on steps to save our ecology and to create relationship between human and nature. i-Tree is one of the latest technology upgraded software that present the etropolitan forestry analysis methodology. People of any community and of any strength can contribute to the welfare of the ecosystem through the concept of i-Tree. i-Tree gives the entire details and guidelines about developing the ecosystems and this is for sure to help the companies to make their contributions towards ecosystem development. Be it a single tree or a big forest, strategies can be readily made by the i-Tree people.
The EcoValue project proposed by the Gund Institute takes into account both Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and relational database technology. This combination helps in giving a clearer understanding on the ecosystems to the public, by making interactive presentations such as graphs and maps. Eco system goods must be constantly reviewed using a standard data source and a common methodology. Stake-holders must be able to review the data values and the landscape details must be made available transparently to the stake holders and the public. This can be one of the good measures to kindle their interest and involvement towards ecosystem and maintaining it. Dr.Matthew A Wilson with his team members working towards implementing the ecovalue project, nationwide.
Earth Inc and ISEE (The International Society for Ecological Economics) are few other sources that can be relied for acquiring valuable information about the ecosystem development.
Before concluding, I would like to brief that internet helped me widely on gaining knowledge towards this subject matter and various websites have valid information about the effective methods of preserving eco system. From my personal understanding, I would say that internet as a medium helps in bringing awareness as well knowing various planning towards the ecosystem preservation. It also changed my opinion towards preserving the eco system and it helped me to perceive that preserving nature is in our hands. Web based tools acts a good medium for creating ecosystems that are based on landscapes. Web tools help in making detailed analysis of research and planning towards the maintenance of nature. The EcoValue website also has a power point presentation of their project, and therefore understanding and implementation methods are simpler, yet very effective.
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