This term is well known as anti-pest on any botanical living things that are prone to pests and also as household pesticides. Some commonly known pests are insects, plant pathogens, molluscs, weeds, birds, mammals, roundworms, fish and mircrobes that destroy the botanical living things or are also sources of diseases. Though pesticides are beneficial in keeping away the pest, they also have potential toxicity to environment, humans and other animals.
Sample Effective but Harmful Pesticide
In year 1950, DDT (an organochloride) was used to fight against malaria. They were being sprayed on walls of houses. Even the WHO (World Health Organization) supported this approach and stated that it has been the best tools they have against that disease. However, a study linked breast cancer from the exposure to DDT. Also, by entering the human food chain poisoning may also occur due to the use of DDT.
Some sample of pesticides that can be found in our home are pet shampoo, insect and pest killer and some insect sprays.
Types of Pesticides
The types of pesticides depends on the type of pest they are being used.
Chemical Pesticides
Organophosphate Pesticides most of this type are insecticides which some are very poisonous but are not persistent in the environment. This type affects the nervous system by interrupting the progress of enzyme which controls acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.
Carbamate Pesticides same as Organophosphate Pesticides except that it consists of two HYPERLINK httpwww.wisegeek.comwhat-is-methomyl.htm methomyl groups linked by amino HYPERLINK httpwww.wisegeek.comwhat-is-nitrogen.htm nitrogen through HYPERLINK httpwww.wisegeek.comwhat-is-sulfur.htm sulfur molecules.
Organochlorine Insecticides this is used on fruits, vegetables, livestock, black flies and mosquitoes. It is also historically significant since it was already used a long time ago but has significant effects on environment, agriculture and health.
Pyrethroid Pesticides this is a man-made pesticide same as pesticide pyrethrum. It is also found on commercial pesticides like shampoo, insect sprays and pest sprays.
Biopesticides pesticides derived from natural materials.
Microbial pesticides pesticide which the main ingredient are microorganisms.
Plant-Incorporated-Protectants (PIPs) pesticides substance that are being produced by plants.
Biochemical pesticides this pesticide includes substance that interfere mating (insect sex pheromones) as well as scented extracts of plants that attracts insects to their traps.
Pest Control Devices an instrument intended for killing or trapping pest. (e.g. Mouse trap)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
This is a government agency in the United States which writes and enforces laws and regulation to protect human and environment. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances is the specified agency for pesticides. They evaluate the pesticides and chemicals to keep people safe and also against environment harm.
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