The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels it is related to the respiratory system as the oxygen we breathe is delivered through our blood. In this experiment, we will understand fully the factors that affect breathing rate and how well our heart functions to supply properly the body with oxygen. Both systems are controlled by the central Nervous System specifically the brain.

The first activity is to measure pulse rate or heart beat rate per minute. Record
Next is to measure blood pressure using sphygmomanometer. Record

 Run consecutively for an hour and measure again pulse rate per minute.

In this experiment, the dependent variable is the pulse rate and the independent variable is the running activity.

The contents of the blood also affect the rate at which it is delivered. Therefore, it is important to determine the blood components in order to understand fully the rate at which the heart beats.

Determination of blood cholesterol using the centrifuge to separate the plasma from the serum is the initial step. Do a series of tests using the spectrophotometer to determine cholesterol level of your serum and plasma cholesterol. High cholesterol in the blood vessels indicates low supply of blood and oxygen while low cholesterol level indicates a smooth flow of blood.

In this test, the independent variable is the cholesterol level and the dependent variable is the pulse rate or heart beat rate.

With this, the results of the cholesterol level and pulse rate can be correlated to each other. High cholesterol content of blood makes the heart work harder to be able to pump sufficient blood and deliver oxygen throughout the body. Low blood cholesterol level gives a normal pulse rate since the heart does not need to work extra to pump blood.


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