Affects of Fish Excrements to Global Warming

Recent studies have revealed that fish play an important and pivotal role in balancing, not only the marine ecosystem, but also the global ecosystem as well. This paper discusses the role of fish excrements to global warming.

    Prior to the recent studies it has been thought that the major source of calcium carbonate in the seawater are the planktons. Recent studies change this fact and now it is revealed that the fish excrements are responsible for providing around 15 of Calcium Carbonate in the ocean water. Fish excrements contain guts, which are mainly composed of calcium carbonate. (Role of Fish in the Carbon Cycle, 2009)

Calcium Carbonate is the key compound, which balances the acidity and pH level of ocean water. If this compound is not generated in sufficient quantities it will not only endanger certain marine species like coral reef and many shell bearing aquatic animals due to increased acidity, but will also become a primary reason of rise in temperature of the ocean water. This is because calcium carbonate produced by fish will absorb CO2 and will keep the pH of the ocean water in balance. This will also control the rise in sea temperature due to increased acidity of water. Researchers are hopeful that if the amount of CO2 in the ocean water increases so will the fish produce the amount of calcium carbonate, as they will naturally try to keep the balance.

Though this prospect seems promising to everyone concerned about global warming or rise in sea levels, but in reality the situation is very grave. This is because the increasing amount of CO2 emissions will be absorbed in the near future, but overfishing will result in a highly diminished population of fish in the sea and thus they wont be able to keep the ecosystem of the ocean water on balance as hoped by many. Even now many fisheries and natural habitats of fish are in grave danger and many colonies and communities of fish are considered endangered species. Even large aquatic mammals are endangered because of commercialized fishing and whaling. (OShea  Odell, 2008)
Fish also act as sentinels to coral reef. Coral reef is also a large producer of calcium carbonate. But they are also highly vulnerable to CO2, which if in high concentration may destroy large colonies of coral reef. Though coral reef is also a producer of calcium carbonate it is never in very large quantities to counterbalance the increasing amount of the acidic gas in the aquatic ecosystem. This gas proves to be highly fatal for the reef. Fish excretion plays an important part in shielding the coral reef from the lethal affects of CO2. Thus, if the quantity of fish is diminished then it will also result in the downfall of the coral reef. Therefore it is extremely important to control the commercial overfishing in the coastal or open waters. (Suzuki  Kawahata, 2002)

The recent studies have proved that how important fish are playing their part in reducing global warming. If overfishing is not controlled it will result in the loss of the key sentinels of the aquatic ecosystem and the result will be warmer seas, higher sea levels and extreme weather conditions across the globe. Therefore it is a matter of extreme importance that the concerned authorities take it seriously before the time runs out.


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